September (yang seharusnya) Ceria
16 September
Ultah kali ini cuma sama anak anak aja, sama seperti tahun lalu. Suami gw seperti tahun lalu tidak berada di rumah. Kalo dulu di Milan, sekarang di Rig 9 Apexindo, Muara Badak, Kalimantan. Walopun begitu, tetep seneng banget karena anak gw nyanyiin lagu buat gw, "Happy Birthday". Lagunya khusus dihafalin berhari hari sama Dhisa dan dinyanyikan pagi pagi untuk gw. Isn't that so sweet....:) Dan tiup lilin pun diwakilkan oleh princessku tersayang. Thank you so much my princess. By the way, prince baru bangun jam 6 lewat, yahhh tiup lilin udah selesai....
Thank you banget buat temen temenku yang udah ngirimin sms, email or telfon untuk ngucapin selamat ultah. I'm always wondering why God loves me so much. He pleased me in the right time such as now... Thanks for the message from a tall, good looking guy with the shoes number 48, from other continent. Thanks for remembering me in my Day.
21 September
It's my 6th wedding anniversary. 10 years of dating, 6 years of marriage. Well... now, what do you expect? I'm just an ordinary woman and wish that I have a romantic happily marriage life to share with my hubby and my naughty angels. Isn't that simple? Yuppp, it's easy to say but needs lots of effort to make it happen.
Ooo... I received this short message through my cellphone this morning. It said :
I know I've once hurt your feelings and I might have made so many mistakes to you. But all of those could never, even for one second, affect my feelings, my senses, my conscious and my truly heart for you... my lovely wife, my partner, my heart soul. I wish for a wonderful life for us to spent with, for the rest of our life. Happy anniversary, darling... May God bless us all. I love you so much, forever and ever.
That's so sweet.... I couldn't hold my tears when I read this message. I hope you really meant what you wrote.